You like that baseball reference for a title? Yeah, well I have another…
You probably have a designated hitter (batter) in your pantry that fries up fish for average? (You think I don’t have the capacity for another. I’m just getting warmed up while on deck….)
Do yourself a favor and put a pinch hitter next time you decide to fry up that mess of walleye, panfish, morels, frog legs, etc. you harvest. I guarantee you this batter will come through in the clutch. You’ll want to put it in your lineup as the the cleanup every time you have a fry for the family and friends. (Tired of my baseball references yet?)
The batter came from humble roots in NoDak. Let me tell ya, though, it sports the golden crisp fry uniform in legendary fashion. It has the perfect balance of tasteful finesse to be a hit in any part of the field (yes, even will go opposite to Left) and solid texture to crush the wiliest of pitches tossed it’s way from those who have the mushroom consistency complex and/or despise fishiness flavoring. Oh, and when it get’s on, it has the wheels to steal the home dinner plate. There’s a new batter in town. It’s time to call it up to the show. Dust off your Homer Hanky; this batter will knock your taste buds out of the park!

– 1 cup Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Crumbs
– 1 cup Progresso Panko Italian Seasoned (bread crumbs)
– ½ cup of Parmesan Cheese
– 1 tbsp. seasoned salt
– 1 tbsp. garlic powder
Other Essentials:
– 1-2 lbs of fish
– Oil (I prefer Coconut Oil because it adds a hint of coconut)
– 2 Eggs
– Italian Seasoning
– Paper Towels
1. On the stove top, melt coconut oil in a frying pan on medium heat.
2. Dip fish in bowl of 2 whisked eggs (no milk – the batter doesn’t stick as well).
3. Generously batter fish fillets and place in frying pan.
4. After about 3-4 minutes (when bottom is golden brown) flip the fillets. Lightly sprinkle Italian Seasoning on the freshly fried side.
5. After another 2-3 minutes (when bottom is golden brown) remove and place on a plate covered in a layer of paper towels. Lightly sprinkle Italian Seasoning on the other side.
6. Observe everyone’s face at the table while they take their first bit. Notice their faces turn to pure pleasure and immediately begin to foam at the mouth for more fish.
I prefer to serve with English Chips. If you go that route, start the following process just before you begin to fry:
– Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
– Rinse & cut 1-2 lbs of russet potatoes in ½ inch strips.
– Coat in olive oil and season with sea salt (for some added spice sprinkle some Creole or Cajun seasoning).
– Place on a baking sheet.
– Roast in oven for 18-20 minutes turning every 4-5 minutes. Once you start the roasting, begin to fry the fish. They should be all done at the same time then.